Monday, April 06, 2020

A Most Befuddling Thing

A little update...

It may sound silly, but I don't really know how to animate the Lego figures going to sit down in a chair. So, I went to YouTube to try to find a tutorial. I found nothing. Most of the results were for how to animate a Lego figure walking, which I already know from previous projects.

Instead of trying to look up a tutorial, I changed tactics. I looked up the YouTube channel of one of my favorite Lego animators, Michael Hickox (MICHAELHICKOXFilms). My plan was to go through each of his videos until I found a scene of the figures going to sit down and then dissect the video to figure out how he did it (sounds complex, I know).

Luckily for me, in the first video I watched, also his most recent (Tim and Ralph: Car Dealer), there is a scene of the figures getting up from sitting down in the beginning.

In order to figure out what was happening, I slowed down the playback speed so I could see the individual pictures that he took to get the final result.

Then, I watched the scene a few times before taking screenshots so I could just do the reverse of what he did. So, instead of having the figures getting up, the figures will be sitting down.





He was able to do it in about five shots, so I should be able to do the same. I know, it won't be exactly the same for me, as the context will be different, but I'm going to try to adapt the process to fit my needs.

I probably overcomplicated everything, but at least I know how to do it now.

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