Friday, March 06, 2020

Every Little Piece

A little update...

Prop-wise, not much is needed.

For the first half of the film opening, the props that would be needed are a Manila folder (preferably tan or a bright red), a few papers, and a picture of the victim.

The Manila folder I already have (definitely tan, but I'd have to check the other colors).

I can print template police reports and fill them out to fit with my fictional situation. I can also include some extra reports/documents.
Child Abuse / Child Neglect Category Archives — Page 2 of ...

The picture of the victim (as I mentioned when I discussed character design) is going to be a picture of my sister (with her consent)
I plan on using this picture. It shows her face clearly, making it easy for people to identify her. I want to try and get it printed on good photo paper (like at Walgreens or somewhere), but as a second option, I can also use the color printer that I have at home (or the black and white printer, although color is preferred).
The second half of the film opening requires more props than the first. There are little details that need to be present.
I need a cork board to pin the "clues" onto.
I was debating whether or not to get one of those whiteboards on the stands: 

However, they're expensive (the cheapest one on Amazon still over $100) and would be too big. It would be hard to store during and after this project. Also, a cork board, I think, would be better for this purpose and easier to work with.

I also want to get purple thumbtacks (purple for mystery).

I would get both of these items on Amazon.

I would also need photos of everyone (including the detective) to pin onto the board (preferably printed on good photo paper). I plan on taking the pictures during filming, so that their looks in the photos are consistent with their looks in the film.

Post it notes/ squares of paper would be used to write the names underneath the pictures and other details for the credits (consequently I would also need a sharpie/marker). All of which I already own.

I'm still debating whether or not to have the iconic (maybe a little cliche) red string tying it all together. On one hand, it is a little cliche. On the other, it might add a nice texture to the look of the scene and offer an opportunity for some interesting camera movements.

These are all the props that I require right now. Now, it's just a matter of gathering everything.

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