Tuesday, March 09, 2021

The Bare Necessities

 A little update...

So, plot... is a thing... that I need to develop.

As I learned from last year, a good plot is a necessity to make a good film. It's like the foundation of the film. And to once again quote George B. Hinckley (it has been a year since he made his initial appearance), "You can't build a great building on a weak foundation," (we're still not talking about actual buildings though).

What I know for sure is that there will be two components to the film: the live action author and the animated characters of the story.

The live action parts will be pretty straightforward, the author writing, deleting, editing, thinking, etc. Basically, normal things writers would do. Probably muttering to themself about whatever they're doing/thinking (I can't be the only one).

The animated parts are where I ran into a bit of a road block. I wasn't exactly sure what to do for it (i.e. what the storyline should be). 

So, I took to Pinterest (no, I do not have a problem; it is not an addiction) and searched for some writing prompts for inspiration. I found a few quote prompts that I thought could be interesting:

Character A: Okay, so what if-

Character B: No

Character A: What do you mean no?


Character A: Don't worry! I'm an expert!

Character B: Watching one video doesn't make you an expert


Character B: We look like idiots

Character A: Yeah, but we're fancy idiots


I figured, since they all have similar vibes, I could combine them. From there, I got the idea of the two characters having to do some sort of school project together. Character A is very excited and getting ahead of themselves while Character B is trying to be very logical.

After coming up with that idea, I took a bit of a detour...

At first I wasn't sure if this idea was engaging/interesting enough (cue a lot of self doubt and considerations of scrapping the whole thing). I asked a friend and they said as long as I create it and execute it in an engaging way, then the idea should be fine. I'm still a little on the fence about it, but that's what I'm going with for now.

I was also uncertain about whether I should start off by making it known that it's just a story being written by the author. It could be interesting to not reveal it right away. So, the film would open with the animated characters and then the next scene would reveal that the author is actually writing the story instead of the other way around (it probably makes more sense visually). But I don't know which would be more effective.

After a lot of thinking, and doubting, and more thinking, I arrived at my final destination (gotta keep this car metaphor going).

This film kind of has a "slice of life" vibe, but if it was a fictional story being written by an author. I don't hate it. I think this just might work out.

Anyway, that's all for today.

Until next time...

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